concrete.util.redis_io module

class concrete.util.redis_io.RedisCommunicationReader(redis_db, key, add_references=True, **kwargs)

Bases: concrete.util.redis_io.RedisReader

Iterable class for reading one or more Communications from redis. See RedisReader for further description.

Example usage:

from redis import Redis
redis_db = Redis(port=12345)
for comm in RedisCommunicationReader(redis_db, 'my-set-key'):

Create communication reader for specified key in specified redis_db.

redis_db: object of class redis.Redis key: name of redis key containing your communication(s) add_references: boolean, True to fill in members in the

communication according to UUID relationships (see concrete.util.add_references), False to return communication as-is (note: you may need this False if you are dealing with incomplete communications)

All other keyword arguments are passed through to RedisReader.

class concrete.util.redis_io.RedisCommunicationWriter(redis_db, key, uuid_hash_key=False, **kwargs)

Bases: concrete.util.redis_io.RedisWriter

Class for writing one or more Communications to redis. See RedisWriter for further description.

Example usage:

from redis import Redis redis_db = Redis(port=12345) w = RedisCommunicationWriter(redis_db, ‘my-set-key’) w.write(comm)

Create communication writer for specified key in specified redis_db.

redis_db: object of class redis.Redis key: name of redis key containing your communication(s) uuid_hash_key: boolean, True to use the UUID as the hash key

for a communication, False to use the id
class concrete.util.redis_io.RedisReader(redis_db, key, key_type=None, pop=False, block=False, right_to_left=True, block_timeout=0, temp_key_ttl=3600, temp_key_leaf_len=32, cycle_list=False, deserialize_func=None)

Bases: object

Iterable class for reading one or more objects from redis.

Supported input types are:

  • a set containing zero or more objects
  • a list containing zero or more objects
  • a hash containing zero or more key-object pairs

For list and set types, the reader can optionally pop (consume) its input; for lists only, the reader can moreover block on the input.

Note that iteration over a set or hash will create a temporary key in the redis database to maintain a set of elements scanned so far.

If pop is False and the key (in the database) is modified during iteration, behavior is undefined. If pop is True, modifications during iteration are encouraged. :)

Example usage:

from redis import Redis
redis_db = Redis(port=12345)
for obj in RedisReader(redis_db, 'my-set-key'):

Create reader for specified key in specified redis_db.

redis_db: object of class redis.Redis key: name of redis key containing your object(s) key_type: ‘set’, ‘list’, ‘hash’, or None; if None, look up

type in redis (only works if the key exists, so probably not suitable for block and/or pop modes)
pop: boolean, True to remove objects from redis
as we iterate over them, and False to leave redis unaltered
block: boolean, True to block for data (i.e., wait for
something to be added to the list if it is empty), False to end iteration when there is no more data
right_to_left: boolean, True to iterate over and index in
lists from right to left, False to iterate/index from left to right
deserialize_func: function, maps blobs from redis to some more
friendly representation (e.g., if all your items are unicode strings, you might want to specify lambda s: s.decode(‘utf-8’)); return blobs unchanged if deserialize_func is None

Return a batch of n objects. May be faster than one-at-a-time iteration, but currently only supported for non-popping, non-blocking set configurations. Support for popping, non-blocking sets is planned; see .

class concrete.util.redis_io.RedisWriter(redis_db, key, key_type=None, right_to_left=True, serialize_func=None, hash_key_func=None)

Bases: object

Class for writing one or more objects to redis.

Supported input types are:

  • a set of objects
  • a list of objects
  • a hash of key-object pairs

Example usage:

from redis import Redis redis_db = Redis(port=12345) w = RedisWriter(redis_db, ‘my-set-key’) w.write(obj)

Create object writer for specified key in specified redis_db.

redis_db: object of class redis.Redis key: name of redis key containing your object(s) key_type: ‘set’, ‘list’, ‘hash’, or None; if None, look up

type in redis (only works if the key exists)
right_to_left: boolean, True to write elements to the left
end of lists, False to write to the right end
serialize_func: function, maps objects to blobs before
sending to Redis (e.g., if everything you write will be a unicode string, you might want to use lambda u: u.encode(‘utf-8’)); pass objects to Redis unchanged if serialize_func is None
hash_key_func: function, maps objects to keys when key_type
is hash (None: use Python’s hash function)
concrete.util.redis_io.read_communication_from_redis_key(redis_db, key, add_references=True)

Return a serialized communication from a string key. If block is True, poll server until key appears at specified interval or until specified timeout (indefinitely if timeout is zero). Return None if block is False and key does not exist or if block is True and key does not exist after specified timeout.

concrete.util.redis_io.write_communication_to_redis_key(redis_db, key, comm)

Serialize communication and store result in redis key.