concrete.inspect module

Functions used by to print data in a Communication.

The function implementations provide useful examples of how to interact with many different Concrete datastructures.


Return a Penn-Treebank style representation of a Parse object

Parameters:parse (Parse) –
Returns:A string containing a Penn Treebank style parse tree representation
Return type:str
concrete.inspect.print_communication_taggings_for_communication(comm, tool=None, communication_tagging_filter=None)

Print information for CommunicationTagging objects

  • comm (Communication) –
  • tool (str) – Deprecated. If not None, only print information for CommunicationTagging objects with a matching metadata.tool field
  • communication_tagging_filter (func) – If not None, print information for only those CommunicationTagging objects that pass this filter. Should be a function that takes a list of annotations (objects with metadata fields) and returns a list of annotations (possibly filtered and re-ordered).
concrete.inspect.print_conll_style_tags_for_communication(comm, char_offsets=False, dependency=False, lemmas=False, ner=False, pos=False, dependency_tool=None, dependency_parse_filter=None, lemmas_tool=None, lemmas_filter=None, ner_tool=None, ner_filter=None, pos_tool=None, pos_filter=None, other_tags=None)

Print ‘CoNLL-style’ tags for the tokens in a Communication. If column is requested (for example, ner is set to True) but there is no such annotation in the communication, that column is not printed (the header is not printed either). If there is more than one such annotation in the communication, one column is printed for each annotation. In the event of differing numbers of annotations per Tokenization, all annotations are printed, but it is not guaranteed that the columns of two different tokenizations correspond to one another.

  • comm (Communication) –
  • char_offsets (bool) – Flag for printing token text specified by a Token‘s (optional) TextSpan
  • dependency (bool) – Flag for printing dependency parse HEAD tags
  • dependency_tool (str) – Deprecated. If not None, only print information for DependencyParse objects if they have a matching metadata.tool field
  • dependency_parse_filter (func) – If not None, print information for only those DependencyParse objects that pass this filter. Should be a function that takes a list of annotations (objects with metadata fields) and returns a list of annotations (possibly filtered and re-ordered).
  • lemmas (bool) – Flag for printing lemma tags (TokenTagging objects of type LEMMA)
  • lemmas_tool (str) – Deprecated. If not None, only print information for TokenTagging objects of type LEMMA if they have a matching metadata.tool field
  • lemmas_filter (func) – If not None, print information for only those LEMMA taggings that pass this filter. Should be a function that takes a list of annotations (objects with metadata fields) and returns a list of annotations (possibly filtered and re-ordered).
  • ner (bool) – Flag for printing Named Entity Recognition tags (TokenTagging objects of type NER)
  • ner_tool (str) – Deprecated. If not None, only print information for TokenTagging objects of type NER if they have a matching metadata.tool field
  • ner_filter (func) – If not None, print information for only those NER taggings that pass this filter. Should be a function that takes a list of annotations (objects with metadata fields) and returns a list of annotations (possibly filtered and re-ordered).
  • pos (bool) – Flag for printing Part-of-Speech tags (TokenTagging objects of type POS)
  • pos_tool (str) – Deprecated. If not None, only print information for TokenTagging objects of type POS if they have a matching metadata.tool field
  • pos_filter (func) – If not None, print information for only those POS taggings that pass this filter. Should be a function that takes a list of annotations (objects with metadata fields) and returns a list of annotations (possibly filtered and re-ordered).
  • other_tags (dict) – Map of other tagging types to print (as keys) to annotation filters, or None. If the value (annotation filter) of a given tagging type is not None, print information for only those taggings that pass the filter (should be a function that takes a list of annotations (objects with metadata fields) and returns a list of annotations (possibly filtered and re-ordered)).
concrete.inspect.print_entities(comm, tool=None, entity_set_filter=None)

Print information for Entity objects and their associated EntityMention objects

  • comm (Communication) –
  • tool (str) – Deprecated. If not None, only print information for EntitySet objects with a matching metadata.tool field
  • entity_set_filter (func) – If not None, print information for only those EntitySet objects that pass this filter. Should be a function that takes a list of annotations (objects with metadata fields) and returns a list of annotations (possibly filtered and re-ordered).
concrete.inspect.print_id_for_communication(comm, tool=None, communication_filter=None)

Print ID field of Communication

  • comm (Communication) –
  • tool (str) – Deprecated. If not None, only print ID of Communication objects with a matching metadata.tool field
  • communication_filter (func) – If not None, print information for only those Communication objects that pass this filter. Should be a function that takes a list of annotations (objects with metadata fields) and returns a list of annotations (possibly filtered and re-ordered).
concrete.inspect.print_metadata(comm, tool=None, annotation_filter=None)

Print metadata tools used to annotate Communication

  • comm (Communication) –
  • tool (str) – Deprecated. If not None, only print AnnotationMetadata information for objects with a matching metadata.tool field
  • annotation_filter (func) – If not None, print information for only those objects that pass this filter. Should be a function that takes a list of annotations (objects with metadata fields) and returns a list of annotations (possibly filtered and re-ordered).
concrete.inspect.print_penn_treebank_for_communication(comm, tool=None, parse_filter=None)

Print Penn-Treebank parse trees for all Tokenization objects

  • comm (Communication) –
  • tool (str) – Deprecated. If not None, only print information for Tokenization objects with a matching metadata.tool field
  • parse_filter (func) – If not None, print information for only those Parse objects that pass this filter. Should be a function that takes a list of annotations (objects with metadata fields) and returns a list of annotations (possibly filtered and re-ordered).
concrete.inspect.print_sections(comm, tool=None, communication_filter=None)

Print information for all Section object, according to their spans.

  • comm (Communication) –
  • tool (str) – Deprecated. If not None, only print information for Section objects with a matching metadata.tool field
  • communication_filter (func) – If not None, print information for only those Communication objects that pass this filter. Should be a function that takes a list of annotations (objects with metadata fields) and returns a list of annotations (possibly filtered and re-ordered).
concrete.inspect.print_situation_mentions(comm, tool=None, situation_mention_set_filter=None)

Print information for all SituationMention`s (some of which may not have a :class:.Situation`)

  • comm (Communication) –
  • tool (str) – Deprecated. If not None, only print information for SituationMention objects with a matching metadata.tool field
  • situation_mention_set_filter (func) – If not None, print information for only those SituationMentionSet objects that pass this filter. Should be a function that takes a list of annotations (objects with metadata fields) and returns a list of annotations (possibly filtered and re-ordered).
concrete.inspect.print_situations(comm, tool=None, situation_set_filter=None)

Print information for all Situation objects and their associated SituationMention objects

  • comm (Communication) –
  • tool (str) – Deprecated. If not None, only print information for Situation objects with a matching metadata.tool field
  • situation_set_filter (func) – If not None, print information for only those SituationSet objects that pass this filter. Should be a function that takes a list of annotations (objects with metadata fields) and returns a list of annotations (possibly filtered and re-ordered).
concrete.inspect.print_text_for_communication(comm, tool=None, communication_filter=None)

Print text field of :class:.Communication`

  • comm (Communication) –
  • tool (str) – Deprecated. If not None, only print text field of Communication objects with a matching metadata.tool field
  • communication_filter (func) – If not None, print information for only those Communication objects that pass this filter. Should be a function that takes a list of annotations (objects with metadata fields) and returns a list of annotations (possibly filtered and re-ordered).
concrete.inspect.print_tokens_for_communication(comm, tool=None, tokenization_filter=None)

Print token text for a Communication

  • comm (Communication) –
  • tool (str) – Deprecated. If not None, only print token text for Communication objects with a matching metadata.tool field
  • tokenization_filter (func) – If not None, print information for only those Tokenization objects that pass this filter. Should be a function that takes a list of annotations (objects with metadata fields) and returns a list of annotations (possibly filtered and re-ordered).
concrete.inspect.print_tokens_with_entityMentions(comm, tool=None, entity_mention_set_filter=None)

Print information for Token objects that are part of an EntityMention

  • comm (Communication) –
  • tool (str) – Deprecated. If not None, only print information for tokens that are associated with an EntityMention that is part of an EntityMentionSet with a matching metadata.tool field
  • entity_mention_set_filter (func) – If not None, print information for only those EntityMentionSet objects that pass this filter. Should be a function that takes a list of annotations (objects with metadata fields) and returns a list of annotations (possibly filtered and re-ordered).